Learn to create Android applications without having to write code!

Here is how to learn a new one for the fans, which is the student information technology programming Android, today I recommend a website that can help to create Android apps easily by simply put only and could not encode it. It's called the MIT App Inventor, and I believe that most of the fans got to know one.

Objective I want to introduce to all of you, it can act as a Concept (currency), you create each application always starts first, before you start coding in order to build a program. For fans who are interested can go to the website via the following link:

    Click here to go to the website MIT App Inventor

Note: It is not a tool that we downloaded and used on a computer, but we can use it in the Cloud once! And to be able to use it is that it requires you to be able to login to your Google account. You do not have to worry about what they do account because the program has also been developed by Google.

If you want to explore the program more clearly can watch the video below:

Combined, MIT App Inventor has helped to share your difficulties coding through the Internet made easier interface and is packed with more idea before you start coding standard.

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