iPhone 7 headset can be plugged pores charging Lightning

 iPhone 7 headset can be plugged pores charging Lightning 

The rest, about 1 to 1 and a half months only smartphone iPhone 7 will officially launch. After all, if the headphone jack for this smartphone has a fan website, as well as information technology, the majority revealed that the iPhone 7 will not connect a headphone socket. If that dont headphone jack to plug holes can listen to the headphones?

Recently, a source less certainty created videos showing the headset fresh look similar to the headset of the iPhone, but for plug difference is distinctive, with it not as a plug length 3.5mm longer, but it's kind plugs Lightning which used to be used for charging on the iPhone. To know more and more apparent that all Watch the video below, all of this:


So after watching the video above, we see 7 iPhone headset can be plugged pores charging, 3.5mm headset jack may be abolished. However, this is just a guesswork, because we can not yet conclude that it will come true, and the story is true or not, that is only waiting to see it on launch day official of Apple, which will take place in a few weeks before this.

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