How to play Pokemon Go on on iOS jailbroken Device without crash

How to play the game Pokemon Go on iOS Jailbreak lest Crash

As we know that the game Pokemon Go get more popular after a few weeks ago.And what makes all the players regret that Pokemon Go can not be played on devices that have jailbreak. But today I will show you how we can play on iOS devices jailbreaking us, please follow each step of the process:

1. Open Cydai on the phone screen

2. go to the Sources tap and click Edit in the upper right and click add source on the upper left

3. Type the address URL: and click Add Souce

 and wait done process.....

4. Go to Search Tap, then type the name of Tweak: Masterball and click install


5. After install already you must respring your device for it work find.

After Respring ready, you can enjoy playing Pokemon Go enjoy free Crashes do not care anymore.Thanks for visiting

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